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More on conservation housing(black and white colonials)

I sometimes question the relevance of colonial housing in a post-colonial context- which explains a brief reference to Nezar Al-Sayyad's essay on the role of colonial architecture in post-colonial times. Given that it's mostly expats living in black and white houses today I'd wonder if it's a form of neo-colonialism. Still, my favourite black and whites are those with ultra-modern interiors(ref:modern black and white)with as little garden as possible please- I'm inherently suspicious of overly-abundant natural surroundings. There were also photos of a black and white bungalow in the east coast in the local papers. Owned by a young couple- it combined little ethnic details like a Moroccan hunting chair that I still regret not buying and a really cool stainless steel kitchen in the extension wing.

For those who are tolerant of the odd gecko in the house and the possibility of a snake in your bedroom, the idea of keeping your own horse in your garden is too cute.

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