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Vernacular architecture?

This sounds like I'm nursing a major post-colonial hangup but I will be having an exhibition exploring how our perceptions of tasteful design and architecture are largely shaped by western standards.

The exhibition poster was meant to emulate Tel Quel(a 1960's journal of critical theory)'s cover, in reference to the theme of critical theory of the exhibition.
The exhibition calls upon Foucauldian power/knowledge dichotomy(in this case, power supposedly belongs in western hands, leading our appreciation of architecture and design to be predicated on very western terms) and the associated calls in privileging marginalized bodies of knowledge(n this case, vernacular architecture). The exhibition also explores how the term of 'vernacular architecture' is similarly politicized and possible a misnomer, given the dominance of western or largely western educated articulators of the vernacular aesthetic.

Whilst largely theoretical, the exhibition aims towards some visually spectacular moments- with the conversion of the courtyard into a sacred wood(s)- a term employed by Jean Nouvel(the architect for Quai Branly)in reference to objects that are devoid of western architectural influence. Visitors are encouraged to dispense with their preconceived notions of design and architecture before entering the premises of the sacred wood(s).

In accordance with the Lettrist tradition(an intellectual movement in the 1960's), the exhibition will include a public disruption as part of its setup.
More information and details on the exhibition can be found here:

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