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Started UrbaneSpaces to cater to that niche market of design savvy individuals. UrbaneSpaces is a boutique real estate agency dealing with architecturally distinguished, unique properties. More on the company and some of the properties we have dealt with can be found on the website at

New team photo

Photo link from we make money not art.

Have been sporadically thinking about a team photo- the current chess picture just doesn't cut it for that specific purpose.
Was thinking of something very clean- blue jeans and white t-shirt sort of thing.
Or a bad imitation of trainspotting.
Then I saw the above photo of the fabrica team via wmma's website.
Looks cool(although I still like the trainspotting idea...)


ortho said...

i like the trainspotting idea too...

urbanespaces said...

Hi Ortho-
Was also thinking something along the lines of Reservoir Dogs. 'Charles and Marie' carries rolls of sticky tape with 'Shut Up' over it. Let me look at their website again;-)