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Designer HDBs

Everytime I comment on how some HDB units are starting to look better than condominiums, my friend starts ranting about the 'unconscionable appropriation of public money' . (Note for the uninitiated: HDB is the local form of public housing. First-time buyers whose income does not go beyond the required level receive a grant for purchase from the government).

I believe it's more a reflection of the increasing sophistication amongst HDb dwellers- the in-betweens who have just started working and are seeking to reconcile their tastes in interiors with their budgets.

The move to bring the local version of starchitects WoHa and SCDA on board to design HDB blocks is a reflection of that trend. The above photo is an artist's impression of WoHa's proposal, with a choice of planter box, monsoon windows, balcony or bay windows by the occupants. The asymmetry and emphasis on outdoor spaces is reminiscent of Moshe Safdie's Habitat complexes.

Am partial to WoHa's proposal based on looks, the ability to customize a facade and the potentially interesting overall facade based on the residents' requests.

Photo below is SCDA's proposal. Photos taken from The Straits Times' 1st September.

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