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En bloc art

Image from 'Pages from a Dancer's Journal'

A dance choreographer, forced to move out of rented apartments more than five times over the last three years due to these apartments having been sold for en bloc has channeled her 'mental and emotional distress caused by the physical upheavals (of moving out)' into a new dance called Bleu.

From her interview with Straits Times' Arts reporter June Cheong, Elysa Wendi was quoted as saying: "Nowadays, people can just tear buildings down and rebuild them without feeling. Where's the trace of history from, say, 400 years ago?"

"Resembling a cross section of a collapsed house stripped down to its support beams, the set takes on an important symbolic role in the production, shutting her dancers out but hemming Liong's dancers in".- Straits Times, Life! August 23

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