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A vicar on crack: Estate Agent Decides 'Honesty' is the best policy

Again, lifted off growabrain:

All the charm and poise of a vicar on crack. Hall, cloak room, sitting room, kitchen, bathroom, parking and rear courtyard garden. Suit midget on a budget.'

Mr Bending said: 'I only write these things because they tickle me. Freedom of speech is what this country is famous for and you should be allowed to say whatever you want so long as it doesn't hurt anyone.'

The Diocese of Bath and Wells said it had no objections to the disparaging descriptions of vicars in the shop window.

Spokesman John Andrews said: 'We can't get upset. It's quirky and a bit heavy-handed. We don't need crack to get high. We're reaching for the heavens through spiritual means.'

Original Article can be found here:

There were a few ads in the local papers that attempted to invest some life into the houses for sale- something along the lines of 'hi, my name is dolly. buy me and dress me up.'

or 'i am a penthouse with a large roof terrace. plant your seeds on me on a clear night under the heavens.'

and in the aftermath of the asian tsunami, an ad that read 'invest in singapore- an island safe from natural disasters'. although that's sick, not funny.

these agents should advertise something fun soon. just so i can cut out those ads and scan them in (just to show i wasn't making them all up).

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