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Started UrbaneSpaces to cater to that niche market of design savvy individuals. UrbaneSpaces is a boutique real estate agency dealing with architecturally distinguished, unique properties. More on the company and some of the properties we have dealt with can be found on the website at

New Webhost

I might be acting paranoid but ever since my webhost got bought over, the emails have had 'outages' and I witnessed for the first time, my website being 'down'.
So now I'm looking for a new webhost. Also there are worries about ease of transfer of website and emails.

I hate shopping around for something new- I remember spending a few days finding a suitable domain AND webhost so I do not really fancy the idea of going through the process all over again.

Pre-requisites in a webhost:-
- Almost essential, is a live support chat facility. I hate the thought of having to wait, or never have my emails responded to.
- Good looking website. I cannot bring myself to host with a company that has a shoddy, even plain, website.

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